Dr. Prem Singuluri is constantly in touch with abreast movements in technology and keeps on updating students with
number of activities and also through his books.
He authored various technical and non technical books which are constant source of knowledge for student communicty.
His presentation style is with simple common language by which all can understand with great ease. He inculcates interest among readers by quoating
various real time examples and focusing on top rated topics. He not only authored technical books but also published not technical books.
An information system (IS) audit or information technology audit is an examination of the controls within an entity's Information technology infrastructure.
The core essence is focused to minimize the issues of e-Governance with the frame work activities which includes Planning, Social Audit, Audit on Services, Infrastructure Audit, Professional Audit, Software Audit, Performance Audit and Return on Investment. All these are discussed, analysed while recommending certain polices to the planners, practitioners and to the Official Dom for successful implementation.
The pre requisite to study this book is core Java. The topics covered are HTML, DHTML, JAVA SCRIPT, SERVLETS, JSP, JDBC, APPLETS, SWINGS, RMI, NETWORKING, BEANS.
The topics covered by this book are Introduction to Object oriented programming, Data types, Object types, Input Output streams, control statements, arrays, Inheritance, polymorphism, Interfaces, Abstract classes, Packages, Multi threads, Utilities, Wrapper classes, exception handling, File I/O Streams, AWT, Applets, Swings. The programs with output is given for every topic along with working exercises.
The topics covered by this book are Introduction to Object oriented programming, Data types, Object types, Input Output streams, control statements, arrays, Inheritance, polymorphism, Multi threads, exception handling, File I/O Streams, Libraries
: Interesting book for beginners to experience the charm of BASIC Graphics. The topics are explained with simple examples which makes the student interesting towards subject. The animations using Basic graphics is to its extremes to explore the depth of the subject.
Lecture notes prepared for B.Tech students of JNTU as part of their academic study. The topics covered are Software and Software Engineering, Process Models, Agile Development, Understanding Requirements, Requirements Modeling, Requirements Modeling, Design Concepts, Architectural Design, Component-Level Design, User Interface Design, WebApp Design, Software Testing Strategies, Testing Conventional Applications.
The lecture notes is epitomization of the text books - “Software engineering A practitioner’s Approach”, Roger S. Pressman, McGraw Hill International Education, Seventh Edition
This book presents a popular and widely available language called BASIC and explains how to write simple programs to solve complicated problems. It also trains the art of writing algorithms and flowcharts. The programs on arrays, sub routines makes student think and apply them for most of the mathematical problems. The fundamental file processing concepts were discussed with real time examples.
Book is useful for applications of COBOL in business domain. It covers Introduction, Divisions, Picture clauses, Editing, Level Structure, Data movement, arithmetic, input-output verbs, Corresponding options, Arithmetic verbs, Conditions, Perform, Rename, Redefine, Sequential files, Direct access, Index sequential, Random files and Tables, Search and Sort, Screen Section. Suitable examples and exercises are give wherever required.
The Lecture notes is prepared for B.Tech JNTU students. The topics covered are Introduction-Database System Applications, Data base design, Relational Model, Relational Algebra and Calculus, Form of Basic SQL Query, Schema Refinement, Transaction Management, Concurrency Control, Recovery System, Based Recovery, Overview of Storage and Indexing, B+ Trees, Hash Based Indexing.The lecture notes is epitomization of the text books - Data base Management Systems, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGrawHill Education and Data base System Concepts, A.Silberschatz, H.F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, McGraw Hill
The book is prepared with the intention of transforming the students into software engineers by inculcating the programming skills in C language. This book covers not only fundamentals of Computeres Science but also comprises various topics of C programming with realtime examples and data structures
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
Short stores narrating the sensitive psychological feelings of students, their hardwork, achievements, failures and success stores, inspires the audience.
Prema Bhavana
: The poetry of Dr. Prem moves and squeezes heart with his sensitive, delicate feelings of common man, his verses on natures beauty makes us fly in clouds, Sudan’s the stained minds and sole.
Prema Geetha
The free hand line drawings of Dr. Prem focuses on the traditional lively hood of Telugu Andhra families, ethnics of women, emotional expressions of middle class families and the mythological almighties.
Prema Geetha
The free hand line drawings of Dr. Prem focuses on the traditional lively hood of Telugu Andhra families, ethnics of women, emotional expressions of middle class families and the mythological almighties.
Prema Varnam
Short stores narrating the sensitive psychological feelings of students, their hardwork, achievements, failures and success stores, inspires the audience.